92 research outputs found

    Available Admission Capacity Estimations in IEEE 802.11 Access Points

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    This technical report is intended to provide extended information about the Available Admission Capacity estimation mechanism for IEEE 802.11 cells previously presented. The original formulation has been revised in this paper avoiding unnecessary approximations. Furthermore, a comprehensive evaluation of the algorithm is also provided

    New algorithm for distributed frequency assignments in IEEE 802.11

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    The continuous growth of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLAN) brings the benefit of a high speed wireless access to packet networks, such as Internet. But it also entails the successive appearance of new unresolved problems. One of these problems consists in the degradation of the performance observed by the users when there is a great number of radio networks coexisting in the same area. In densely populated zones it is not strange to find WLANs of different nature (private, public, etc.) sharing a scarce resource as it is the radio spectrum. This problem can be mitigated with an appropriate channel allocation. In this paper we present an algorithm for the frequency assignment problem (FAP) in IEEE 802.11, based on classical graph colouring but adding the objective of reducing interferences among overlapping cells, and thus improving the global throughput performance. An accurate evaluation of interferences is obtained not only measuring power levels, but also being aware of traffic load. Important performance improvements have been observed on a real scenario

    Wi-Fi o 5G: perillosos per la salut?

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    Eduard Garcia Villegas, Departament d’Enginyeria Telemàtica, EETAC-Campus Baix Llobregat, analitza com ens afecta el WI-FI a la nostra vida i salut.Postprint (published version

    Bandwidth-Based Wake-Up Radio solution through IEEE 802.11 technology

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    IEEE 802.11 consists of one of the most used wireless access technologies, which can be found in almost all consumer electronics devices available. Recently, Wake-up Radio (WuR) systems have emerged as a solution for energy-efficient communications. WuR mechanisms rely on using a secondary low-power radio interface that is always in the active operation mode and is in charge of switching the primary interface, used for main data exchange, from the power-saving state to the active mode. In this paper, we present a WuR solution based on IEEE 802.11 technology employing transmissions of legacy frames by an IEEE 802.11 standard-compliant transmitter during a Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) period. Unlike other proposals available in the literature, the WuR system presented in this paper exploits the PHY characteristics of modern IEEE 802.11 radios, where different signal bandwidths can be used on a per-packet basis. The proposal is validated through the Matlab software tool, and extensive simulation results are presented in a wide variety of scenario configurations. Moreover, insights are provided on the feasibility of the WuR proposal for its implementation in real hardware. Our approach allows the transmission of complex Wake-up Radio signals (i.e., including address field and other binary data) from legacy Wi-Fi devices (from IEEE 802.11n-2009 on), avoiding hardware or even firmware modifications intended to alter standard MAC/PHY behavior, and achieving a bit rate of up to 33 kbps.Postprint (published version

    Maximizing Infrastructure Providers' Revenue Through Network Slicing in 5G

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    Adapting to recent trends in mobile communications towards 5G, infrastructure owners are gradually modifying their systems for supporting the network programmability paradigm and for participating in the slice market (i.e., dynamic leasing of virtual network slices to service providers). Two-fold are the advantages offered by this upgrade: i) enabling next generation services, and ii) allowing new profit opportunities. Many efforts exist already in the field of admission control, resource allocation and pricing for virtualized networks. Most of the 5G-related research efforts focus in technological enhancements for making existing solutions compliant to the strict requirements of next generation networks. On the other hand, the profit opportunities associated to the slice market also need to be reconsidered in order to assess the feasibility of this new business model. Nonetheless, when economic aspects are studied in the literature, technical constraints are generally oversimplified. For this reason, in this work, we propose an admission control mechanism for network slicing that respects 5G timeliness while maximizing network infrastructure providers' revenue, reducing expenditures and providing a fair slice provision to competing service providers. To this aim, we design an admission policy of reduced complexity based on bid selection, we study the optimal strategy in different circumstances (i.e., pool size of available resources, service providers' strategy and trafic load), analyze the performance metrics and compare the proposal against reference approaches. Finally, we explore the case where infrastructure providers lease network slices either on-demand or on a periodic time basis and provide a performance comparison between the two approaches. Our analysis shows that the proposed approach outperforms existing solutions, especially in the case of infrastructures with large pool of resources and under intense trafic conditions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Design and realization of precise indoor localization mechanism for Wi-Fi devices

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    Despite the abundant literature in the field, there is still the need to find a time-efficient, highly accurate, easy to deploy and robust localization algorithm for real use. The algorithm only involves minimal human intervention. We propose an enhanced Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) based positioning algorithm for Wi-Fi capable devices, called the Dynamic Weighted Evolution for Location Tracking (DWELT). Due to the multiple phenomena affecting the propagation of radio signals, RSSI measurements show fluctuations that hinder the utilization of straightforward positioning mechanisms from widely known propagation loss models. Instead, DWELT uses data processing of raw RSSI values and applies a weighted posterior-probabilistic evolution for quick convergence of localization and tracking. In this paper, we present the first implementation of DWELT, intended for 1D location (applicable to tunnels or corridors), and the first step towards a more generic implementation. Simulations and experiments show an accuracy of 1m in more than 81% of the cases, and less than 2m in the 95%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Timely admission control for network slicing in 5G with machine learning

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.For guaranteeing the strict requirements foreseen for 5G, network slicing has been proposed as a dynamic and scalable mechanism for the allocation of customized resources to service providers. Many solutions have been proposed in the literature for the scenario where multiple service providers share the same pool of resources, while the exclusive allocation to different providers is still an open issue due to the associated complexity. In this work, we define a policy-based admission mechanism for exclusive intraservice slice allocation, at fine and adaptable timescales. In particular, we consider the case where optimal admission strategies are pre-computed offline for network state conditions that are representative of typical traffic loads and resource availability. This offline phase is also used to train a Machine learning algorithm; a neural network (NN) learns the best admission policies from a more computationally expensive mechanism in previously studied network conditions. Thus, the NN is used for providing near-optimal admission decisions at runtime under network conditions for which no optimal policy has been computed. The potential of the 5G marketplace in terms of revenue and quality of service is demonstrated for the particular case of services with strict latency constraints by means of a proof of concept tested over network traces from a real network operator. Different strategies are compared for the computation of the admission strategies and results are provided in terms of efficiency in resource utilization, fairness to the service providers, network owners’ revenue and complexity. This study confirms the feasibility of a policy-based approach for exclusive intra-service resource allocation, especially if computationally-efficient mechanisms are adopted in the case of missing information about network states.This work was supported in part by the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (5GAuRA) under Grant 675806, and in part by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya under Grant 2017 SGR 376.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Uso de métodos ágiles y PBL en una asignatura de ingeniería del software del grado de ingeniería telemática: gestión de proyectos de ingeniería del software en un entorno docente

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    Actualmente, empresas como Amazon o Google aplican un método llamado Scrum para agilizar el proceso de desarrollo de sus proyectos software y mejorar la calidad de los resultados. Por otro lado, en el entorno docente, la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos o PBL se afianza cada día más porque, además de potenciar la motivación de los estudiantes, facilita el desarrollo de competencias transversales. Este documento describe cómo se aplica Scrum en una asignatura que sigue los conceptos de PBL y presenta los primeros resultados obtenidos. Dichos resultados apuntan a que Scrum aporta beneficios a PBL.Postprint (published version

    IEEE 802.11ax: challenges and requirements for future high efficiency wifi

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    The popularity of IEEE 802.11 based wireless local area networks (WLANs) has increased significantly in recent years because of their ability to provide increased mobility, flexibility, and ease of use, with reduced cost of installation and maintenance. This has resulted in massive WLAN deployment in geographically limited environments that encompass multiple overlapping basic service sets (OBSSs). In this article, we introduce IEEE 802.11ax, a new standard being developed by the IEEE 802.11 Working Group, which will enable efficient usage of spectrum along with an enhanced user experience. We expose advanced technological enhancements proposed to improve the efficiency within high density WLAN networks and explore the key challenges to the upcoming amendment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 coexistence in WLAN deployments

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Wireless Networks. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-017-1540-z.Wi-Fi has become a successful technology since the publication of its first WLAN standard due to continuous advances and updates while remaining always backwards compatible. Backwards compatibility among subsequent standards is an important feature in order to take advantage of previous equipment when publishing a new amendment. At present, IEEE 802.11b support is still mandatory to obtain the Wi-Fi certification. However, there are several harmful effects of allowing old legacy IEEE 802.11b transmissions in modern WLAN deployments. Lower throughput per device is obtained at slow rates, but also the effect known as performance anomaly, which nearly leads to starvation of fast stations, has to be taken into account. Finally, backwards compatibility mechanisms pose an important penalty in throughput performance for newer specifications. This paper presents a thorough analysis of the current state of IEEE 802.11, comparing coverage range and throughput performance among subsequent amendments, and focusing on the drawbacks and benefits of including protection mechanisms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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